Entries by David Oliver

‘Odd Shoes for India’ Day

Well done to everyone for supporting our ‘Odd shoes for India’ fundraiser. There were boots,slippers,shoes,and flip flops of every shape ,size and colour. We raised an amazing total of €1300 euro! The money raised will be sent to Kerala in Southern India to buy medical supplies and medicines.

Mondrian mural

One of our very talented parents Samantha Fisher created this wonderful Mondrian mural in our school corridor.The builders had put up a temporary wooden partition and we decided to add a splash of colour ! Great job Samantha and thank you .

Santa’s Robin

Our windows are open every day to keep our classrooms bright and breezy. This little robin decided to pop in to visit Junior Infants. Mrs McArt helped the robin back outside to safety.  

Feed the birds in Winter

As the temperatures outside begin to drop it is important to put out a supply of food for the birds in our school grounds.We use a variety of foods including suet,peanuts and seed mix.We chose locations close to sheltered areas and with good tree cover.We made a plan of our bird feeder locations and we […]

Hedgehog home

This term our Green Team volunteers are from 5th Class.As the Autumn leaves started to tumble to the ground, this enterprising group decided to build a hedgehog home in the school woodland.They used recycled drain pipes to create an entrance to their leafy home.Hopefully some lucky hedgehog will stumble upon this winter hibernation hideaway.