Donegal Junior Strings came to Ballyraine school today to play for us!

We were treated to lovely solos by J.K. from 6th class who is a member of the orchestra, and also from B du P on piano. Wonderful playing everyone!
Thank you so much Junior Strings for including us on your tour today.

Junior Infants visit to Tropical World

Junior Infants enjoyed their school tour to Tropical World in Letterkenny on Friday. We were given a fantastic tour by a past pupil of Ballyraine; Lorraine Moore. The children had a wonderful time and got to meet some new furry, winged and scaly friends. Some were even brave enough to hold Scarlett the snake!

We had a picnic lunch, inside; due to the rainy day and then had some fun in the play area. It was a lovely day with everyone heading home tired but happy.

Thank you so much to Tropical World and especially to Lorraine!


Annual Sports Day!

On May 27th we welcomed parents & other family members back into school to celebrate our first Sports Day for 3 years! It was lovely to have everyone back and lots of fun was had by pupils, teachers and parents. The teachers took on 6th class in a tug-of-war, with 6th class winning (narrowly) ;)


Our award ceremony took place following the races and this year’s winning team was the Green Team!

Congratulations Green Team!



Best Effort and Fair Play in sports awards were also presented to one pupil in each class. Well done to the winners.


Our After school sports coaches in Gaelic football, soccer and dance picked two pupils who had shown effort and made lots of progress over the 5/6 week sessions. Well done to the 6 winners :)



Lifecycle of a Butterfly

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Dragonterra author visit


Dragonterra author Louise Flanagan visited our class

Roman Helmets and Shields

Click on the link below to see our wonderful shields and helmets.
