Playground games

We’ve all been having so much fun during break times playing with skipping ropes, hula hoops, construction toys and even Connect 4! Thank you Mr. Oliver for the beautiful Connect 4 game you gave us on your retirement- the children love it 👏👏😀

6th class graduation, June 2023

The Sun is Setting on 2nd Class

2nd Class tried their hand at felting recently. Here are the beautiful sunsets they created!

Fun In The Sun!

When the weather is this hot ice-cream is essential!

Dan Leo iPad Art

2nd Class were looking at the Irish artist Dan Leo and we had a go at creating some art in the same style. Our painted versions didn’t quite work out as planned. When we had a go on the iPads we were very successful!

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3rd Class School Tour to Wild Ireland

Congratulations to the Green Team, 2023 champions!

Sports Day 2023