We had a wonderful sports day today in Ballyraine.

The sun shone, children smiled and cheered each other on and the green team won the most points!

6th class beat the teachers in an epic tug of war, then parents joined us for a lovely picnic in the shady corners!

Ms Moore awarded medals  for Fair Play and Best Effort to every class, and then awards were presented for Athletics, Soccer, Dance and Choir.

Thank you so much to Mrs. McArt and Mrs. McKinley for organising this great day, and to the parents’ committee for the delicious ice pops everyone enjoyed at the finish.

J. Infants : Fair Play L.M.,  Best Effort I. S.
S. Infants : Fair Play O.F., Best Effort H. mcG.

1st class : Fair Play JS, Best Effort MA

2nd class: Fair Play NHY, Best Effort CJ

3rd class: Fair Play JB, Best Effort AC

4th class: Fair Play BG, Best Effort LF

5th class: Fair Play ES, Best Effort AM

6th class: Fair Play AHC, Best Effort OJ

Athletics: Best Effort NH and Most Improved JM

Soccer: Best Effort NMcL and Most Improved LF

Soccer: Best Effort LH and Most Improved RK

Dance : Best Effort OF and Most improved MG

Dance : Best Effort AB and Most Improved CN

Choir : Best Effort   Most Improved

Congratulations to the Green Team, 2023 champions!