Well Done
Congratulations to P.R.G. on winning some prizes at a gymnastics competition with Citadel Gymnastics.
Congratulations to P.R.G. on winning some prizes at a gymnastics competition with Citadel Gymnastics.
6th Class put on a fantastic performance in their Wax Museum Project. They worked really hard to study somebody famous, past or present, and designed a poster, researched facts, imitated accents and dressed up as their chosen character. A brilliant day was had. Well done to all the boys and girls for putting tremendous effort into it! They were superb!
Ballyraine NS is a co-educational primary school in the town of Letterkenny under joint Church of Ireland/Presbyterian management. While it is a school with a Protestant ethos, all pupils of whatever background or religious persuasion are equally valued and respected.
Junior and Senior Infants
08:50 – 13:30
1st – 6th Class