Hall of Fame

FAI Competition

Well done to the Boys & Girls Football Teams who took part in another FAI competition in April . Both teams played really well with the Girls team narrowly missing out in qualifying for the next round .


Well done to our all our athletes who took part in A.C Track & Field Events last week , Mrs Mc Kinley was very impressed by their effort and their representation of the school and we are delighted for our medal winners , I. G.,  O. G., P.H., N.H., M.M.M.  & S.K.


S.K. who recently won a medal in Dublin during her gymnastics grading competition. Well done S.

Congratulations to J.K. for his fantastic recent golf awards!

1st lady captains prize 80yards
1st junior captains prize 80yards
2nd captains prize 100yards

Letterkenny Chamber Art Competition

Congratulations to L. R. who was runner up in this year’s ‘Chamber Christmas Art
L. was invited to the switching on of the 2021 Christmas Lights in Letterkenny Market Square.