Board of Management

The Board of Management is responsible for the governance of the school on a day to day basis.

The Chairperson acts on behalf of the Board in certifying school returns, policy documents and other official forms as required.

The Board of Management is responsible for:

  • The adoption of school policies and overall management, in accordance with Rules for National Schools, including the appointment of staff, maintenance of appropriate standards of behaviour within the school and implementation of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989 through the school’s safety agreement.
  • The general maintenance of the school building and grounds.
  • The provision of satisfactory heating and cleaning in the school.

The Board’s term of office is four years. It is comprised of eight members, including two patron nominees, two teacher nominees, two parent nominees and two nominees from the wider community

Board of Management (2023- 2026)

Chairperson: Rev Tommy Bruce

Patron Rep.: Rev David Houlton

Ms Linda Moore

Mrs. Gallen

                                                                                                                                   2 Parent Reps:

2 Community Reps:



Parents Association

The Parent A.G.M. is held in October/November. Parents are encouraged to participate fully in school life and school events. Parents are elected to the Parents Association at this meeting.

There are two parent representatives elected for each class group. These will be ‘link’ parents for that particular class.

Our school has a very active and supportive Parents Association.

The Parents Association organises a variety of fundraising events to provide resources for teaching and learning.

Guest speakers are also arranged for the A.G.M in Term 1.

Fundraising events have helped to purchase

  • iPads for S.E.N. classes
  • PM+ reading Scheme
  • P.E. Equipment