Happy Retirement Mr. Oliver!

Video clips from Mr. Oliver’s Retirement assembly Dec 2022

On 19th December, 2022 the pupils and staff were delighted to welcome David Oliver, our recently retired principal back for a very special assembly where we could all celebrate his very special 22 years’ leadership of Ballyraine school, and wish him a fulfilling and happy retirement.
David was presented with a ‘Retirement Survival Kit’, Memory, Momento and Dear Mr.Oliver books full of precious memories and kind wishes from the pupils. Pupils and staff spoke and read lovely poems about his time in Ballyraine and his many skills and achievements, and the choir and all of us sang with gusto. Mr Oliver spoke very movingly and kindly about his time with us, and gave especial thanks to his wonderful wife Heather who was present also. He invited pupils up on to the platform to tear open the wrapping on some large and kind presents to the school : an outdoor connect 4 game and some lovely footballs and basketballs.
Then we all wished him farewell and expressed hope that we see him again often, and clapped as he and Heather exited to enjoy a well earned cup of tea in the staff room.

Christmas Art

Christmas Concert 2022

First class https://ballyrainens.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IMG_2065.mov

3rd classhttps://ballyrainens.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IMG_2071.mov

4th class IMG_2073

fifth classIMG_2078https://ballyrainens.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IMG_2078-2.mov

sixth class6th classhttps://ballyrainens.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IMG_2079.mov

choirChoir IMG_2082https://ballyrainens.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IMG_2085.mov

choir 2nd parthttps://ballyrainens.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IMG_2082-1.mov








4th class 3D digestive system models.